Session 2: Genome Editing
Sunday, 17 April, 2016 - 11:00 to 13:00
Chris McMaster
Dalhousie University
Exploring the functional genomics of autism using genome editing and iPS cell modelling
Senior Scientist, Developmental and Stem Cell Biology, SickKids
Ethical and Legal Aspects of Gene Editing in Humans
Associate Professor, Bioethics Program, Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Montreal
Genome editing for mouse model production and high-throughput gene candidate screening
Senior Project Manager, The Centre for Phenogenomics
In Vivo and In Vitro Modeling of Pediatric Glioblastoma to Study the Role of Histone H3 and ATRX Mutations
PhD student, Human Genetics, Mcgill University
Poster: 22
Combining CRIPSR/CAS9 and IPSCs to Model Rare Neurodevelopmental Disorders
PHD Student, Neuroscience, McGill University
Poster: 14